
Our Programs

National Rural Water Programs

Circuit Rider and Wastewater Technicians

Source Water Protection Program

This program is built around small water utilities, local businesses, agriculture, government, and other groups working together to develop and implement strategies to protect their drinking water sources.  It is a voluntary, grassroots planning effort that builds local responsibility and creates more sustainable communities.

Energy Efficiency Program

A variety of energy assessment tools and techniques are used to evaluate potential cost savings to systems resulting from energy efficiency improvements. The average projected savings for systems is $8,968 annually. The assessments are conducted by staff with training in energy auditing and experience in delivering training and technical assistance to utilities. 

Training Specialist

The training program has a focus on training options for water operators. IRWA holds several classroom style training sessions each year for credit hours earned towards upkeep of Water A - D licenses.

Apprenticeship Program

From classroom instruction and on-the-job training, apprentices are provided the tools necessary to be a successful operation specialist in your community. During the apprenticeship program, apprentices will earn-while-they-learn with knowledgeable, passionate people who strive to deliver clean drinking water to their community and treat wastewater before returning it to the environment. This program starts as a job and emerges as a solid and secure career as either a water operations specialist or wastewater operations specialist.

EPA Wastewater Training and Technical Assistance

Water Quality and Compliance Program for rural, small, and tribal publicly owned treatment works. Provides classroom training in rural and disadvantaged communities for wastewater personnel. System managers and operators have the opportunity to receive formal training on topics such as effective utility management, regulatory requirements, and financial and managerial capacity concepts and practices. WQAS also provide onsite training that is dedicated to being in-person at rural, small, disadvantaged and tribal wastewater systems. Decentralized Systems Program Technical Assistance focuses specifically on decentralized wastewater treatment systems to support planning, development, and acquisition finance.


Illinois Program

State Circuit Rider

This program focuses on rate studies to member systems under 10,000. However other direction from IEPA are taken when help is needed.


In House Program

Compliance Assistance Program

This program offers assistance on such matters as: Guide through violations, Public notification language, CCR corrective action language for violations, Formal violation notice process, Navigating Drinking Water Watch and the Operator Certification Database, Development, preparation and submittal of periodic and routine compliance reports, Monitoring schedule requirements, Reminders for upcoming reporting deadlines.

See the staff page for information on who to contact for assistance.


Illinois Rural Water Association
3305 Kennedy Road; PO Box 49
Taylorville, IL 62568
Phone: 217-287-2115

Fax: 217-824-8638
Email: ilrwa@ilrwa.org

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