





IRWA offers hosting of CCRs on our website. The fee for 2024 is $100.00 per year for members and $125.00 for non-members. You will be invoiced after your CCR is posted and it is payable via check or credit card. We will accept CCR's to be hosted until June 23, 2024.

To have IRWA host your CCR:

1. E-mail Mary Reed your completed CCR - This is the final CCR - same as if you were sending to your customers. (IF you purchase water - this includes the regulated contaminants portion of the parent supply with their name on this portion. ALSO IF a system utilizes the CCR for issuing Tier 3 public notices, we would also need a copy of the notice with all required information. Either one of these notice would be placed at the end of the CCR.) Mary will then review your completed CCR, work with you to correct any errors, and forward it on to Heather for posting it on our website.

2. Mary will e-mail Heather for posting on our site. You will then receive an e-mail with a link that goes directly to your CCR. If you have hosted with us before, your link will remain the same as before. Remember to check your spam if you don't see anything back in a few days!

3. You can then post that link wherever your customers can see it (billing statements, postcards, newsletters, etc.)

Things you should know about posting your CCR on-line (no matter which site you use):

This option can be used in place of newspaper, direct-mail, or hand-delivery of reports. Since the eCCR notice will be given to ALL customers (via billings) of the availability on-line or the option of having a report mailed to them, this meets all Methods of Delivery options, including the direct-mail or hand-delivery method in the event that the system experienced an MCL violation. This language is found on the CCR Delivery Requirements page (under Method A, Option 2) that was sent to systems with their CCR certification form.

Language used for billing or inserts

If you opt to post your CCR on-line, you must use the following wording wherever you alert your customers that it is available:

"Your Annual Water Quality Report is now available at www.(fill in your website here).pdf (or html). To speak with someone about this report or to have a copy of it mailed to you, please call (fill in your phone number)."

Important to note that the system is still responsible for submitting to the agency all required materials These can be sent in hard copy form directly to IEPA or by email to EPA.PWScompliance@illinois.gov:

A. Copy of the CCR
B. Copy of the Public Notice (if one was issued with CCR)
C. Copy of the notice sent to customers (that includes the required eCCR availability language & URL address)
D. Completed CCR certification form
E. Completed Public Notice certification form (if public notice was included at end of CCR)

Need help creating your CCR?


1. Download your CCR from the Drinking Water Watch website.
2. Print it out
3. Throw away the blank pages
4. Fill in the blank spaces for contact information on the 1st page and under the source water information
5. Add any information that may not be included, such as mandatory language for Level 1 or Level 2 assessments for e. Coli, or information about Vulnerability Waivers.
7. IF you purchase water - you will need to add ONLY the pages from your parent supply's CCR that has their regulated contaminants on it.
8. Make sure that you put the name of the parent supply on those pages!
9. IF you had violations - you will need to add a notice of what the violation was and actions taken to correct it.

Other Resources

Illinois Rural Water Association
3305 Kennedy Road; PO Box 49
Taylorville, IL 62568
Phone: 217-287-2115

Fax: 217-824-8638
Email: ilrwa@ilrwa.org

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